Alegria, festa major

“Alegria, que és festa major” is a journey to the catalan festivities of the beginning of XX century.

Based on LP “Festa Major” by Trinca (1970).

A musical show with three main characters;

the major, the priest and the policeman

Directed by David Ceballos
Produced by Xevi Capdevila
Musical direction by Esteve Molero

Promotional video:


Altres projectes // Soundtrack & Theater

La nit del ritual


Pòsters de Músic

Conductor & script

L’Alegria que passa

Music curator, teather play

Music for K. Davidse

Sound track for a trilogy of films

Sound track for P. Bouman

Composition original soundtrack

Spanish For Adults

Original Sound Track Composition

Between Dictador and me

Main titles music score

Theme for a radio station

Composition for an official music theme