Jazz Escaldes – Engordany

Coinciding with International Jazz Day, which is celebrated on April 30, Escaldes-Engordany wanted to bring this musical genre closer to the parish’s youngest children. Up to 120 schoolchildren between 8 and 10 years of age came to the communal hall to enjoy the educational concert starring the Esteve Molero Quartet. The aim is to introduce children to jazz and spread its values.

The quartet, formed by a guitar, double bass, drums and trombone, have played some of the musical pieces included in the album ‘Premature Memories’. Each of them has been disassembled by the musicians with the aim that the public knows well what function each instrument performs. At the same time, the two passes focused on three concepts: rhythm, harmony and melody. They have explained through a jazz standard what ‘All of me’ is and that they have played in different styles.

The educational concert marks the beginning of all the events that will take place in the 39th Andorra Jazz Festival in Escaldes-Engordany, which will start on June 29. All in all, this Friday’s performance served to highlight the values ​​of the musical genre, tolerance, diversity, human rights and peace.

(text from Altaveu, 28.04.2023)

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